Carmens. SITE
“I prefer dangerous freedom, over peaceful slavery” T. Jefferson

Stepping into the Blog world, a genuinely marvelous expression to communicate without being intrusive, you are welcome anytime!
It is not all about me; thru the years, some experiences need to be share as well the experience of others…like my friends.
We will explore the new to better understand it and improve our lives – also the lessons from the past that will inspire us to make our day better.
We all see from different angles, like the view from a building, depending on where you are. So is your view, the perspective changes – others’ experience can enrich our life.
Someone said the answers we seek are within, this is so true when it comes to decisions, you ask your heart – Is this good for me now? You will be surprised how quickly the answer comes, is yes or no. When you take longer to assess the response, it is no longer the heart answering but the mind, and it goes into a maybe, a doubt, you should think it over, what if this happens or…
Our beliefs can be different, and we can still be friends.
The beauty of Style, to shine your style needs attitude – the waves of life don’t move you. BE then DO. Becoming the forerunner a lovely expression and inspiration to this world.
At this time in my life, I had accumulated several degrees, like a thermometer going from one degree to another; it is valuable when it becomes a service to others.
Back in my college year, photography was a passion, then I moved to journalist getting my BA in Journalism, had a lot of fun interviewing people of interest, doors opened when I had to show them my golden identification.
My parents thought, and I agree going to Jamaica for a year will give me a break. The Caribbean was the place to be – suddenly, the international connections began to provide me with a different perspective of the world and cultures.
Many years passed, and I become interested in a natural approach to keeping healthy. In particular, I don’t like extremes, appreciated fresh produce as well as a juicy steak. I know this may not appeal to my vegetarian friends.
So, to study, I went – getting degrees as Certified Natural Health Professional, Iridologist, and the gamma of courses to help the physical body gain a balance.
Married a man that taught me God is first. Nothing to do with religion…do this, say this, and you get this – totally different getting to have a relationship with God.
Now the kids are no longer kids – my son Doug suggested I should blog…Why? – He explained me few things, and I thought, what a fascinating idea. He set me up with a Web hosting and I began watching tutorials. So far, so good – I think.